2014 Updates

by Rex on October 5, 2014

B.J. Corbin, the founder of this website, originator of The Explorers of Ararat book, and expert speaking in the History’s Mysteries “Search for Noah’s Ark” movie, has a new book available including new research on the search for Noah’s Ark in Iran. Please consider it at www.bjcorbin.com. It is with incredible sadness that we announce the death of Phyllis Cummings Watson of Angwin, California, the daughter of Eryl and Violet Cummings, who helped them type, edit, and research her parents’ well-known books, Noah’s ark: fable or fact? and Has Anybody Really Seen Noah’s Ark?: An Affirmative Definitive Report, which Phyllis co-authored. Phyllis’s love of life, love of people, love of the Scriptures, appreciation for the United States Constitution, and dedication to her research interests were unparalleled. Her husband of 60 years, Albert Watson, was a constant companion and support for Phyllis. One of Phyllis’s favorite part of her research was comic strips about Noah’s Ark. Phyllis was a personal friend of Rex Geissler and is already sorely missed. Phyllis and her wonderful husband Albert graciously hosted Rex several times in their home and personally shared the Eryl and Violet Cummings Noah’s Ark “arkives” with Rex. Phyllis and Albert helped document the “arkives” and helped Rex pack them into multiple rental vans before Rex drove them to Colorado for further analysis and research along with the “arkives” of John Morris, Ph.D., Pat Frost, and Bob Stuplich, etc. Phyllis was finishing her research on her epic work of Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) history identifying corollaries how Seventh Day Adventist founder Ellen G. White apparently plagiarized and produced much of her writing and thoughts from Mormon founder Joseph Smith and his contemporaries like Sydney Rigdon. Phyllis is survived by her and Albert’s only son Dennis Cummings of Angwin, California. Phyllis and Albert will never be forgotten.

Phyllis Watson’t husband of 60 years, Albert Cummings’ death was announced. Albert’s amiable laugh and constant smile were infectious to everyone he was around. His love for family, educating children, and teaching of the truth were mainstays of Albert’s life as he was consistently building tree houses for the kids, finding fun jokes, and games.

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