"Congratulations on a great book! It found it most interesting and
couldn't believe how difficult it is not only climbing Ararat but
getting the permission to do so. They're about equally as difficult!
The impression I am left with at the end, though, is a reliance on often
unconvincing or dubious witnesses, always leaving out some vital piece
of information. And "researchers" like Ron Wyatt and David Fasold don't
really seem to help the cause with their persuasion and false claims
although their over-excitement is understandable.
But thanks for writing the book, I've always wanted to know a little
more about the search for Noah's Ark, and this book was comprehensive
and totally absorbing, I dont think I've read a book so fast!"
- Robert Roemer.
"The book arrived and it is as good as everyone says. I commend you for an
excellent effort. It should raise the standard among Ark Researchers. I noticed you have
Violet and Eryl Cummings in your dedication. They were tremendous people."
- Jim Hall
"I have received your wonderful book and have already read it.
- Ohannik Akopcan
"I got your books in the mail today! I just glanced through it in the 27.2235 secs
I had free at lunch today, and I really enjoyed the pictures! I think they're the best
I've seen in an Ark book. I was getting real tired of blurred, poorly scanned/printed
pictures in other books."
- Jonathan Brisbin
"I have just received my copies of B.J.'s book. It is a must for every one on the
team. Get a book from B.J. or through his web site ASAP. It is the best source of
compressed information on Mt. Ararat, the Ark and is a god send to help all of the team
understand and know the little things that are essential. Congratulations B.J., you have
put together the single best source on Mt. Ararat and Noah's Ark ever."
- Michael Holt
"Did you get my email indicating this is the best book I have read on the subject?
I tried to send it to lots of people. Did you get it?"
- Bob Garbe
"I have just received your book and took a couple of hours just to run through the
lay out. I have to say that it is put together so well. I love all the facts that you have
included that have not been published, like the Floyd Gurley statement as well as other
info. I look forward to reading your book this week in its entirety. It has been long over
due for such a book and I think you did a great job."
- Michael Castellano
"I received my copies of the "Explorers of Ararat" book today!!!
Although I have already read the online version of the book, I must say that the real
paper version is much more interesting! I haven't read the book through yet, but I am
really impressed by it so far, especially all photos and sketches! Your
"virtual" friend,"
- Tomas Gustavsson, Sweden
"Again congratulations on the deployment of your new book. What an achievement!
Excellent dude! Pat on the back. This is one of those books that will be on the forefront
of Ark research. Absolutely! Feel good about this."
- Matthew Kniesler
"I'm ecstatic, I have read about 30 pages of "The EXPLORERS of ARARAT"
and I've freezing here from the chills that are running up and down my back, it's 85
degrees outside and I'm getting chills on every page it's 12.30 am and guess I'll stay up
reading all night. Mr. Corbin has done tremendous research on this book and not to be
outdone by Rex putting it together."
- Todd (Willie-Bey)
"Rex - Just received the two books. They look great! You and B.J. did a great job.
I think the book is a valuable asset and great contribution to Ark research.
Congratulations on doing a great job!"
- John McIntosh